SA Health have directed that until the 23rd of December, it will be mandatory for all clients and staff to wear a face mask during their time within Physiotherapy practices (including all individual and group sessions eg PhysioEx, Pilates, GLAD Hip & Knee Arthritis, Hydrotherapy).
To ensure the continued safety of all clients and staff we ask that all clients follow the below conditions on entry to the practice:
1. Wash or Sanitise your hands on entry and exit of the practice.
2. Wear a face mask (covering the mouth and nose) during all time in the practice, except where it impedes the treatment provided (SA Health information on face masks here).
3. Sign in to our COVID Safe checking located in the Reception area.
3. Please arrive no more than 5 minutes early for your appointment. If you prefer to wait outside or in your car please call us when you arrive and we can call you back when the Physio is ready to see you.
4. Maintain social distancing (greater than 1.5 metres) with other clients in the practice at all times.
5. Postpone your appointment if feeling unwell. particularly if you have any potential COVID symptoms (Fever OR Chills, Cough, Sore Throat, Runny Nose, Shortness of Breath, Loss of Taste and Smell).
6. Postpone your appointment if you have been directed to isolate by SA Health.
We continue to remain committed to providing the highest level of Physiotherapy management to support our clients during these challenging times. If you have any queries or concerns please contact your local practice here.
Best Regards
The Team at Core Physiotherapy & Pilates Studio