It’s getting close to the end of the year and it’s time to think about the Christmas present list and who’s bringing the turkey.
You may also want to take some time out to treat your aches and pains at our Campbelltown Physio practice, before the silly season hits.
Have you participated in end of year sports finals and have muscles that are screaming at you for a little bit of TLC?
Exams are over, but your body is not letting you celebrate like you want to?
Now is the perfect time to visit your GP and discuss the criteria and your eligibility for an EPC referral plan.
A referral from your doctor will cover you for up to 5 individual sessions over a 12 month period, with one of our highly skilled Physiotherapists at our Campbelltown Physio practice at no out of pocket expenses.
Book in with one of our Physios at Campbelltown Core Physiotherapy & Pilates Studio today.
This blog post was written by Campbelltown Physio practice manager Rebekah Boileau.