Being physically active and exercising regularly is important for your overall health.
Thousands of deaths occur each year due to physical inactivity and we tend to become less physically active as we age. This means that it’s important to incorporate some type of exercise into your weekly routine. A sedentary lifestyle has been linked to cardiovascular disease and other conditions that include:
- A greater chance of developing high blood pressure
- Those that are physically inactive are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes
- Have a higher risk of suffering from coronary heart disease
- Being physically active can help to improve your overall mood, reducing feelings of anxiety and depression
- A sedentary lifestyle has also been linked to an increased chance of developing different types of cancers
- Physical activity helps adults maintain their balance as they age, reducing their risk of suffering from an unpleasant fall
- Those that are overweight or obese and exercise regularly, decrease their chances of developing disease
- Group Exercise with a Physio can be a targeted approach to managing your health issues while enhancing your fitness.
The Core Physio PhysioEx program incorporates Pilates-inspired exercise with strength training and stretching to provide a complete body program that takes into account your previous and current injuries and issues. In PhysioEx we use specific equipment, with spring resistance and pulleys, that allows the body’s correct posture and movement patterns to be retrained.
Before you begin a Physio Group Exercise program, your Physio will discuss your fitness goals with you. A history of your current and previous injuries are taken, this includes an assessment of your posture, joint mobility, flexibility and muscle control. Your Physio will be able to work out which areas of your body need strengthening and tailor a PhysioEx program around this.
Once you have a program that is safe but challenging, you can practice that program in a group class environment. If you’d like to find out more about how PhysioEx can help you to maintain a physically active lifestyle, press this link to find a location near you.