When you start your PhysioEx program, we spend time with you identifying your goals.
These form an important aspect that we use to assess to see if your exercise program is working for you.
Your Goals Can Be Both Subjective & Objective
Subjective goals are things like your pain reducing from an 8/10 to a 5/10.
It could also be something like feeling less fatigued in the evening, or less stiff when you wake up in the morning.
Your objective goal is something that is easily measurable, such as walking 2km without pain or being able to bend over to touch the ground.
Both your subjective goals and your objective goals are things that we can measure regularly to determine how your exercise program is working for you.
Setting Baseline Measurements Of Your Ability
Your Physio should set some baseline measurements with you that relate specifically to your goals and the aims of your program.
For example, if your program is focused on giving you better knee function, then your Physio may choose tests like lunging and squatting.
You could perform these tests before and after your program so that you can see the immediate impacts of the program.
We also use the tests at every session to track your progress over time.
Progressing Your Outcome Measurements & Your Program
As you improve and your program progresses, we can advance those tests that help us to push you, but also gives you new more advanced goals.
In the above example, we could progress on to hoping or jumping tests that focus more on dynamic knee control.
Progressing your goals is really important because it helps your program to keep pushing you forward and means that you stay motivated and are able to improve your ability.
Why Is Measuring My Progress Important?
Our Physios are specialists at giving exercises focused on improving your function and we want to know every step of the way that what we are giving you is having a positive impact.
Being regularly assessed means that you can feel confident you are on track to better function and health. If you’d like to find out more about how our Physios can help you, press this link.
This story was written by Physio Nick Lagos.