After all of the fun and antics of the silly season, it can be tough getting back into your regular work routine. We have some tips that will help you transition from the festive and holiday season back into your daily work life.
Take it easy
Pace yourself during your first two days back at work, return calls and go through your emails creating to do lists. Make sure that you drink plenty of water, try not to drink too much tea, coffee or energy drinks. Avoid planning too many activities or social outings in your first week after work so that you’re able to get lots of rest.
Put your health first
Gently ease yourself back into your fitness routine! Being physically active will help to improve your mood, decreasing your feelings of fatigue, as well as helping to burn off all of the Christmas turkey and pudding!
The blues are temporary
Don’t panic too much if you happen to be experiencing back to work blues, after a couple of weeks you’ll be ready to get back into the swing of things! Focusing on a new project such as a hobby, a new activity with the kids or a renewed exercise program can provide a healthy distraction.