Core Physiotherapy & Pilates Studio

Keeping fit this Winter

How To Keeping Fit In Winter

Winter days are short and the weather can be cold and wet, making it difficult for you to take part in the outdoor exercise routines that you’ve been doing during the warmer months. If you haven’t already, you may want to consider getting a gym membership, so that you’re able to exercise indoors. By making an appointment with a personal trainer you can adjust your fitness routine to suit the cooler months and your fitness levels.

If you don’t want to give up the activities that you enjoy doing outdoors, you can invest in some warm exercise clothing. Wearing lots of layers helps you to stay warm, whilst keeping your muscles and ligaments supple, decreasing the chance of an injury.

To help build your overall strength, further enhancing your fitness routine, you can make an appointment with one of our Physios who are able to develop a Pilates exercise program for you. Pilates improves your core muscle strength, overall body strength, posture and body awareness as well as your flexibility. Making it easier for you to take part in your regular exercise routine and keep injury free during the winter months.

Still struggling to get the motivation to exercise when it’s cold and drizzly outside? Try exercising with a partner or friend. You can help to keep each other motivated, making sure that your fitness levels are maintained during the winter months.

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