Core Physiotherapy & Pilates Studio

Physio tips for surviving the silly season retiree

The festive season can be a busy and exhausting time of year, we have some tips to help you get through the silly season injury free!

It can be quite difficult shopping during all of the Christmas mayhem! Christmas shopping can take its toll on your body. When you’re shopping, make sure that you take regular breaks, stop to have a coffee or a glass of water. Take multiple trips to your car to drop off bags, this will reduce the strain on your back and shoulders. Planning ahead, so that you can split up tasks into smaller components will also help. The last thing that you want is an injury during the festive season, it will spoil your celebrations with friends and family!

Before you pick up large items, ensure that they aren’t too big for you to carry. If they are, ask someone to help you pick them up. When you do pick up a large item, make sure that you bend your legs whilst keeping your back in neutral position, keeping it close to your body. Bend through your legs, not your waist.

Keep an eye on the grandkids! 
Kids love receiving new bikes, before they hit the track make sure that they’re wearing helmets and long pants, this will help to shield them from falls and crashes. New toys are lots of fun, however make sure that they don’t sit for hours on end in front of video games, ipads and other toys. Encourage them to take part in other activities such as backyard cricket or playing with a frisbee or a ball.

Stay active & hydrated

Stay active during the festive season! If possible, take the stairs instead of the lift or escalators. When you’re shopping park a little further away from your destination than you normally would. This will allow you to walk and get some extra exercise.

We all enjoy a couple of drinks over the festive season, temperatures can soar into the 40’s, so make sure that you drink plenty of water and stay hydrated! This will help your body cope with all of the extra indulgence over the Christmas break. To find out more about the services that we offer visit this link.

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