Spring is finally here and with the change in weather comes a change in the types of things that you’re doing with your partner, friends and family on the weekends, as well as the types of sport that you’re taking part in. You use different sets of muscles during winter than spring.
Even if you’ve worked out all winter, you need to consider this before you hit the beach for a jog, the mountain bike trail, or tackle some spring cleaning. Sprains and strains can occur when you’re cleaning and lifting objects, there is also the danger that you may slip or fall on wet floors or slippery surfaces. Summer sports such as tennis and swimming use different muscles sets than the ones that are used playing netball and training at the gym.
One of the easiest ways to avoid spring injuries is by warming up with stretches, this will help you to bypass injuries such as strained or sprained muscles and tendons. If you’re faced with a heavy load you can push, rather than lift it. When you’re spring cleaning, avoid turning and leaning over at the same time, so that you don’t put extra stress on your spine. This will help you to prevent a back injury from occurring.
If you’re participating in sports such as rock climbing or mountain bike riding, make sure that you’re wearing the correct protective clothing. This will help you to avoid sustaining any injuries. It’s also important that you stay hydrated, your body needs water to convey nutrients to your body, this also includes your muscles. When you’re not hydrated you may experience muscle cramps. If you do experience any difficulties or issues when taking part in any of these activities you can make a booking with one of our Physios at any of our locations. To find out more about the hands on Physiotherapy services that we provide visit this link.