Hand therapy is a specialised form of physiotherapy that focuses on rehabilitating and improving the function of the upper extremities, including the hand, wrist, and arm. It is designed to help individuals recover from various conditions such as arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, sprains, fractures, and sports-related injuries. Hand therapists, who can be occupational therapists or physical therapists with specialized training, employ a combination of evidence-based techniques to address a wide range of issues.
By utilizing evidence-based interventions, hand therapy aims to reduce pain, increase range of motion, improve strength, and enhance overall function. The primary goal is to help individuals regain independence in their daily activities, enabling them to perform tasks such as writing, grasping objects, dressing, and self-care with greater ease and efficiency.
Hand therapists employ a variety of techniques to achieve these outcomes. These may include therapeutic exercises tailored to strengthen specific muscles, stretching to improve flexibility, and manual therapy techniques such as massage to alleviate pain and stiffness. Dry Needling and Shockwave can also be used to assist. Additionally, hand therapists may use specialized modalities like splints or braces to support and protect the hand during the healing process. Overall, hand therapy is a comprehensive approach that combines evidence-based practices to optimize functional recovery and improve the quality of life for individuals experiencing hand and upper extremity issues.
If you or someone you know could benefit from hand therapy, press the button below to book an appointment with Nelson at Melrose Park today!
This blog was written by Nelson Cheong (Physiotherapist), from our Melrose Park practice.