If you’re suffering from an injury, your Physiotherapist can develop an exercise program that’s suits your injury and fitness levels.
Your Physiotherapist’s training included the treatment of injuries as well as exercise physiology, which is the science of exercise. This means that your Physiotherapist is able to assess and diagnose your injury as well as develop an exercise program to suit your age, injury and fitness levels.
What about the old saying – no pain, no gain? If you’re recovering from an injury it’s important that your exercises aren’t painful. Putting extra pressure on your body won’t help you to recover quickly from your injury, research has proven that pain stops your muscles from performing to their maximum capacity and can become counter productive.
Your Physiotherapist will assess your injury and give you exercises that are tailored to your condition that are suitable for you. We recommend that you consult an exercise expert when you’re planning your rehabilitation.
The simplest of exercises can prevent your muscles from becoming weak, when your muscles become weak, they won’t be able to support the areas of your body that are injured. This means that your body takes longer to recover and you may also overextend the muscles surrounding your injury. Your Physiotherapist will evaluate your injury and give you an exercise program that will help you to recover. In most cases the exercises that your Physio recommends can be done at home without any equipment.
When your Physiotherapist gives you exercises for the rehabilitation of an injury, they’re using their experience and professional opinion to do so. To obtain the best results from your exercise program it’s important that you do the exercises that your Physio gives you. You wouldn’t stop taking medication that your doctor prescribes you, so make sure that you do your ‘daily dose’ of exercise! If you’re recovering from an injury and would like to find out more, you can make a booking with one of our Physios at a clinic across metropolitan Adelaide. To find a location near you, click here.